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Efficacy of the Red Dragon Fruit for Health (Dragon Fruit)


Not only other fruits are beneficial to health, or Dragon Fruit Dragon Fruit is also the kind of fruit that has many benefits and also benefits contained therein. There is nothing wrong if you try this one fruit because they fruit whose skin like the scales of a dragon has a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition to the calorie content of each dragon fruit about 60 are believed to reduce weight. For flavor, dragon fruit has a refreshing taste when eaten, tasted sweet and also contains a lot of water, so it will taste good if consumed in a state that is still fresh.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit
The dragon fruit has an attractive appearance, oval-shaped, on the skin of the dragon fruit is red, pink or purple there is also equipped with a skin like the scales of a dragon. Despite his appearance as the famous dragon in China, but the dragon fruit is not of China. Country of origin of dragon fruit from Guatemala, Mexico and El Salvador, but over time the dragon fruit then cultivated in many Asian countries, including in our country.
Dragon fruit in Indonesia easily found from the start in the fruit shop, traditional markets to supermarkets have a lot to sell the fruit of this type, it is because in Indonesia producing dragon fruit has spread to several areas of West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Central Java , East Java, NTB and other areas. Dragon fruit has some different meat color nobody has white meat (Hylocereus undatus), have red meat (Hylocereus costaricensis) and some even have a yellow color with white meat (Hylocereus megalanthus)

Dragon Fruit Benefits and Benefits for Body Health
As reported by the below are some of the benefits of dragon fruit for a healthy body. :

1.) Vitamin C
Vitamin C in dragon fruit has benefits as enhancing the immune system of the body, other than the dried dragon fruit also has 10 times more vitamin C is needed by the human body.

2.) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
In the dragon fruit are thiamine or vitamin B1 which has a function as the processing of carbohydrates quickly and produce energy for the body.

3.) Vitamin B3
The content of niacin or vitamin B3 in the dragon fruit can lower cholesterol and also makes the skin look softer and moisturizes the skin is exposed to sunlight.

4.) Vitamin B12
The content of vitamin B12 in the dragon fruit can help increase appetite, in addition to those who are sick and convalescing eating dragon fruit can also be used as an option.
5.) Fiber
The dragon fruit has fiber content is high enough so that it can tackle the problem of constipation or bowel and also constipation.

6.) Mineral
Calcium and phosphorus are the minerals contained in dragon fruit. The mineral content is of course very useful for the body, including to assist the development of cells, bones and teeth.

7.) Antioxidants
The body can be affected by free radicals that cause the body's health becomes compromised, the content of antioxidants in the dragon fruit can help prevent free radicals.

8.) Can control Blood Sugar
So that blood sugar in the body is always balanced, patients with diabetes can choose and try the dragon fruit.

9.) Lower Blood Pressure
Trust in the body's blood pressure may be normal again if eating dragon fruit, so that heart attacks and strokes can be minimized.

10.) Eliminate Toxins
Toxins in the human body are often carried away when consuming certain foods, toxins such as arsenic, mercury and other types, it turns out diligently eating dragon fruit can neutralize toxins in the body.

11.) Improve Eyesight
The content of carotene in the dragon fruit can help improve in terms of eyesight, for people who does not like carrots, dragon fruit can be tried to be one of the main options for the consumption of fruits.

12.) Lose Weight
Only 60 calories apiece made of dragon fruit usually used as an extra daily snack in your healthy diet. You can certainly try it for a few months and feel the difference in your weight then.

13.) Relieves Asthma
Respiratory disorders such as asthma course will greatly interfere with your daily life, either children or a god could have been affected by this respiratory disease, diligently eating dragon fruit, these symptoms can be alleviated.

14.) Protein
Formation of body chemicals, enzymes, and in the formation of other hormones in the body requires protein, consumption of dragon fruit can also keep the protein content in the body.

15.) Lowers Cholesterol
In the dragon fruit seeds are small and the fiber is believed to have unsaturated fats that are beneficial to health because it can bind to cholesterol and also beneficial for heart health.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit over only some of the benefits that have been known, probably many other benefits of dragon fruit either for treatment or benefits generated to maintain a healthy body.