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How To Solve Dry Lips

 As has been known that dry lips and chapped is a disease that attacks the surface of the skin of the lips. Usually the state of dry and cracked lips shaped like cracking, fissuring and peeling skin. Moreover, part of the lower lip is the most frequently affected by this health problem. The lips were dry and cracked also sometimes causes the pain and tenderness, especially when the lips are stretched.

What are the causes of dry lips and chapped experiencing them? There are many reasons why your lips get dry and cracked. However, in various studies mentioned that most of the young men suffering from perioral dermatitis, where they have a habit of constantly licking, biting and rubbing his lips. This paradox can certainly make the lips dry out faster and appear irritable, lips become rough and eventually become cracked lips sometimes itchy or visible cracks even in certain cases look black lips and stinging also peeling occurs to bleed. Especially if this is the case when the air is cold, because the article of cold air can accelerate the drying lips. In addition to cold air, hot air humidity also affect these lips.

How To Overcome Dry Lips and Tableware-Tableware Naturally
To resolve this problem, you can perform a variety of treatments, ranging from the ways a home that uses natural ingredients and traditional to use dermatology treatments.
 To that end, before the lips were chapped and dry is getting worse, you'll want to know some of the ways to overcome the lips dry and cracked. Some of them can tell you the following list about how to cope with dry lips and chapped using natural materials.

1.) Coconut Oil
You can use coconut oil smeared on the lips when your lips start to feel dry. The use of coconut oil could make the lips become moist back and avoid dry lips. Other than that, the use of coconut oil can also contain dark lip color looks to be more subtle.

2.) Tomatoes
The next natural ingredients that can be useful for the health of your lips, namely tomatoes. The tomatoes can overcome the problem of dry lips. Its use is also quite easy and only using sliced ​​tomatoes. If there is, you could also add a few drops of honey on the tomato slices.

3.) Honey
In addition to tomatoes and coconut oil, honey can also be useful to overcome the problem of dry lips. The way is to use a drop of honey that is placed on the finger and then rub it on dry lips. The use of honey can make the lips become moist and soft return so chapped lips can be prevented.

4.) Cucumber
The water content is pretty much on making cucumber cucumbers useful for treating dry lips. In addition, vitamin C contained in cucumber can make your lips become moist and avoid the occurrence of dry mouth.

5.) Lemon and Honey
In addition to the use of the honey, honey mixed with lemon juice can also be an effective drug to overcome the lips dry and cracked. Benefits of lemon that is to exfoliate the skin, and overcome the dead skin cells so the skin becomes clean again. You can use this method twice a day for maximum results.

6.) Extract Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is usually used to treat dry skin, but aloe can also be used to overcome the lips dry and cracked. You do this by applying aloe extract on the lips. Aloe vera will make the lips become moist and also can keep the skin in a soft state.

7.) Use other types of oil
Oil is the perfect moisturizer for the lips are dry and chapped. You can apply oil to all parts of the lips to moisturize and reduce the risk of damage. There are several types of oils that can be applied to your lips, such as coconut oil, almond, jojoba, olive oil, cocoa, nuts and butter.

8.) Drink plenty of water
Ideally water consumption is 8 to 10 glasses every day. When too much, it will spoil the digestion. Vice versa, when the shortage of drinking water, the body will become dehydrated and impact will be enormous on the state of your lips. Therefore, be consistent in consuming water.

9.) Vitamins
Almost all of the vitamins you can take to overcome lips chapped and dry out. Among these vitamins there were taking a big hand, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin B2 and E. You can get these vitamins by eating vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods.

In addition to using natural materials such as the above, you also would have to avoid certain factors that make the state more dry lips and could eventually lead to cracking.

How to Prevent Cracking Lips and Dry
Here are some tips that can be prevented from occurring lips chapped and dry percah increasingly serious.

1.) Avoid licking and biting lip
Licking and biting her lips were dry and cracked may aggravate the disease state. It was originally saliva attached to the mouth can help reduce the pain as well as moisturize, but as soon as the saliva will evaporate and be your lips

increasingly drying up. Additionally, you should not bite the lips if you do not want to experience more severe effects, such as bleeding, infection and pain.

2.) Massaging soft lips
You must exfoliate, or slough off dead skin cells that covers the skin healthy. You can perform the method of exfoliation by gently massaging the entire lip. Do not rub too hard, as it can cause injury and bleeding.

In addition to massage, you can also use a natural scrub made from salt. You just need to apply a salt scrub to all parts of the lips while gently rub in a circle. In addition to using salt, you also can use a sugar scrub or toothbrush to exfoliate the dead skin on the lips, but make sure the brush in an absolutely clean.

3.) Avoid sleeping with your mouth open
Usually the lips are dry and chapped be getting worse when you sleep with your mouth open. Circulation of air in and out through the mouth all night can make your lips dry out very quickly.

4.) Avoid smoking
How to cope with dry lips and chapped next is to avoid the consumption of smoke. Any objects that you attach to the lips will affect the state's own lips. When millions of cigarettes that contain harmful chemicals you put on the lips, then it will make things more lips dry and cracked.

From some natural ways to overcome the lips dry and cracked above can be concluded that the need is known, the lips were dry and cracked not always be a common problem and is easily overcome.

The lips are cracked and could be one of the many symptoms of dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, Sjögren's syndrome and macrocytosis. Therefore, do consult your doctor if how to cope with dry lips and chapped above do not improve the state of your lips.