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How to Prevent Gray Growing in Young Age

Gray hair or bleached hair and gray is common in people who are getting old. However, not a few teenagers who experienced a growth of gray. Even its frequency increases with an alarming rate. It is made of gray hair no longer looked at factors, ranging from men, women, teenagers, even to children can be at risk even more premature graying hair.

Embossed gray hair at a young age or premature gray hair is really just a process, in which the hair cells do not produce pigment or color again. Uban is also not a disease, because the process takes place naturally. Only in some people, a normal amount of pigment synthesis decreased rapidly. That's why they changed hair color to gray or white.

White hair more we know as the signs towards old age. Therefore, for those who are young, it is certainly enough to make uncomfortable or scared. Until now why gray hair can grow at a young age can not be ascertained. But usually a factor of heredity is often believed to be the biggest factor onset of gray hair at a young age. If the person has a parent that is graying at a young age then most likely the offspring will have gray hair back at a young age.

As most lay people would be surprised to physical changes they are different from others. However, you do not need to worry too much. There are several ways to prevent the onset of gray hair at a young age that you can do and learn. Some of them can know in the discussion below.

1.) Understand that gray hair is not caused by stress
The common misconception that gray hair caused by stress. It is absolutely no scientific basis or theory altogether. Instead, his graying hair caused by the existing color cells in hair follicles stop producing pigment, such as melanin serves as a conduit hair color. However, this fact does not negate the overwhelming negative effects of stress on health.

2.) Check the potential emergence of gray hair
In some circumstances, a person who changes color to white hair prematurely due to a condition of an underlying genetic or autoimmune. In other conditions, early grows gray hair can be caused by several diseases and disorders, including anemia and thyroid abnormalities (vitiligo). Therefore, if you are experiencing growing gray hair early or have conditions that mentioned that, you should consult with your doctor.

3.) The consumption of nutritious foods
How to prevent the onset of gray hair at an early age the next you can do every day is to consistently consume nutritious foods and beverages. By maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, your hair will be maintained health. In addition, consume more nutrients can also make sure that the hair getting enough vitamins and nutrients. All of these nutrients will help prevent graying hair.

Make sure you consume foods with low-fat protein. There are many foods that you can choose, ranging from vegetables, fruits to grains. Do not forget to also consume water that hair hydrated. In addition, the hair also needs minerals zinc, copper, iron, folate, vitamin A, B12, C and E. Sometimes you also need a common biotin or vitamin H. Vitamin We call this type of research plays an important role to maintain the health and natural color of hair. There are many foods that contain biotin, such as wheat, cucumber and almonds.

4.) Avoid hair products that are not qualified
Health care products, especially for the hair should be chosen very carefully. One-one, instead of getting a quality product, you only get a damaging drugs that are rich in chemicals, such as phosphates, sulfates, ammonia and chlorine. Where all the well-known chemicals can weaken the roots and dry your hair, so the hair becomes more susceptible arising gray. As a preventive measure, you can begin to try herbal products.

5.) Massaging the head
By massaging your head on a regular basis, the flow of blood under the scalp stimulated. This makes the hair growth to be healthy. Additionally, you can also use some kind of head massage essential oils, such as coconut oil and almond. Besides being able to prevent the growth of gray hair at a young age, it also can keep the moisture the hair roots.

Having gray hair at a young age can certainly eliminate your confidence. Therefore, some way of preventing the onset of gray hair at a young age in the above discussion should try to apply. Additionally, if you smoke, try to begin to stop. The content of cigarettes investigated capable of causing dullness, loss and premature graying.

Gray hair usually have the nature of a more dry and rough. Therefore you should when washing hair or shampooing is recommended to use a gentle shampoo and if possible you can also use a conditioner.