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How to Prevent Osteoporosis in Women

In general cases of osteoporosis mostly experienced by women and usually osteoporosis will be increasingly seen in the elderly age. The problem of osteoporosis is often a debate among most people, but rather than just in the conversation alone, it would be better to start finding out about how to prevent or treat osteoporosis osteoporsis this before it gets worse.

Osteoporosis is one of the main disease affecting the bones, osteoporosis has specific characteristics, namely low bone mass so that the bone tissue decreased quality which will ultimately lead to the bones become fragile. It is estimated that today 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men who have over 50 years of age in all parts of the world suffer from osteoporosis. Generally, people with osteoporosis at the age of seniors or the elderly so that prevention should be done early before attacking the problem of osteoporosis is bone.

How to Prevent Osteoporosis in Women?

 Some of the causes of osteoporosis include estrogen deficiency due to a person or postmenopausal osteoporosis (Estrogen is the primary hormone in women), which functions as a distributor of calcium in the bones of women. Other causes are lack of calcium is senile osteoporosis are closely related to a person's age, along with the speed of crushed bone and bone formation occurs disproportionately and usually this occurs in people who are elderly. Women more often suffer from osteoporosis of this type.

Osteoporosis usually will begin to look at the age of 40 to 45 years in women and approximately 50 years in men. However, today there are also people with osteoporosis who were aged 30 years. This may happen due to lack of physical activity performed daily, once very numerous parks and places to play for children so that children are more active, but now children are more often played gadgets and games that just sit there so the body is less active in activity, although the integrity of these children may have been fulfilled but less activity habits will affect the bones. Therefore, parents and teachers should pay more attention and directed that activities such as sports and move it very important addition to the nutritional needs of calcium, so that bones become stronger.

How to Prevent Osteoporosis in Women
Then, how other preventive measures that must be done in order to minimize the risk of osteoporosis? Below are some of the points outlined about how to prevent osteoporosis in women, see the full description below!

 How to Maintain Health
1.) Weight Control
Osteoporosis is closely related to obesity, therefore you should always make sure that weight loss is always awake so as not affected by obesity, in case of obesity, the bones would be too great under pressure.

2.) Eat the Calcium
One of the main causes of a person affected by osteoporosis is a lack of calcium. Women usually will easily lose calcium from their bodies, so that the woman should have this level of calcium intake that is higher than other types of food such as sesame, spinach, broccoli and other foods that contain calcium.

3.) Do not Ignore Pain On Body
The next trigger osteoporosis is the kind of pain you might feel an ongoing basis, in general joint pain that can become a trigger problems in the bone or osteoporosis. Therefore, if there is an indication that you should immediately check the state of your bones at the doctor.

4.) Do Strict Diet
How to lose weight fast is not recommended, because the body may be feeling tortured. It is not recommended to do a strict diet because a diet like this, the nutrients in the body such as calcium deficiency.

5.) Exercise Regularly
In order to keep bones healthy and flexible then exercising regularly is one of the main ways to keep the body from being affected by osteoporosis. Usually things which are not used or sharpened with the routine will cause blunt and rusty, as well as with the bones in your body.

6.) After Menopause Supplements Consumption of calcium
At the time when you go through menopause, estrogen levels in the body that serves as a protective bone will shrink or largely be reduced. Therefore you can consume calcium supplements at the time after you stop menstruating.

7.) Sunbathing Under the Sun
The body needs vitamin D so that calcium can be processed in the body. One of the main sources of vitamin D is sunlight when morning. You can bask in the morning routine to get vitamin D for free.

Above is How To Prevent Osteoporosis Disease in Women, you can begin to get used to doing some custom above so your bones strong when elderly. Because quoting the adage that prevention is better than cure. Start now to prevent that nobody should be treated later.

In addition to getting calcium intake and exercise regularly premises, you also have to meet the daily nutritional needs of others. By getting used to a healthy lifestyle, body disease risk only slightly, therefore maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important for the health of the future.

And How to Prevent Heart Disease Naturally here