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Efficacy of Turmeric for Beauty Face and Skin

Since hundreds of years ago turmeric has been used by Asians as the ingredients and spices that are used as a spice for cooking and also as an ingredient in herbal medicine (traditional). Turmeric has been used as a drug of various diseases such as allergic diseases, ulcers, diarrhea and other diseases. According turmeric contains various substances such content dye diarilheptanoid kurkuminoid is a compound consisting of 3-4% dihidrokurkumin, curcumin, desmetokskurkumin and bisdesmetokssikurkumin. In addition turmeric essential oil containing 2-5%, arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch, tannins, resins, and also mineral (Sudarsono, 1996) another.

Efficacy of Turmeric for Beauty
Turmeric contains many antiseptic that can perform on the prevention of inflammatory acne and wounds, treat itching and rashes, it can recover the damage that occurs due to burning by exposure to sunlight and can also brighten the face so that turmeric can be used for beauty care.

Efficacy of Turmeric for Beauty Face and Skin
According Style Craze and also Tips For Natural beauty there are a few tips or efficacy of turmeric for beauty so you could try turmeric for herbal ingredients for beauty care. Following his property-property:

 Efficacy of Turmeric for Skin and Facial Beauty
1.) Treat Acne
Turmeric can also be used to treat acne. How easy is to make a facial mask made from turmeric. How easy that is by using a mixture of three tablespoons of water results turmeric juice and one tablespoon of turmeric powder, then mixed with a little honey and yoghurt and stir until thickened and become a paste. Use it for 15 minutes and not for too long because in turmeric are dyes that can be attached to powerful and somewhat difficult to remove. After 15 minutes later face washed with clean water until clean.

2.) Overcoming oily skin
In addition to the efficacy of turmeric to treat acne turns turmeric can also be used to control excess oil production and also in the pores of the skin. How to make it can make skin masks made of a mixture of two tablespoons of turmeric powder mixed with three tablespoons of lemon juice slow results or you can also use lemon ripe. Use the mask on the face, and let stand for about 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water until clean.

3.) Disguise wrinkles and also prevent premature aging
The process of aging and wrinkles also turned out to be slowed by using nutrients that are in turmeric. You can make a mask made of a mixture of two tablespoons of turmeric powder, a tablespoon of tomato juice and a tablespoon of rice flour. Once created the mask and then a mask that had been made were used for the face and neck, then leave for 20 minutes and finally wash the face and neck with cold water.

4.) Overcome Pigmentation
The content of anti-inflammatory effects and also an antiseptic contained in turmeric can be used properties for pigmentation on the skin and can also make cold on the burned skin due to exposure to the rays of the sun. You can use it to make a mixture of turmeric powder and fresh cucumber juice, to address this pigmentation problems. The mixture was used for 20-30 minutes and if done regularly, the skin color will return to its original state.

5.) Reduce Fur
It turned out that the efficacy of other turmeric can be used to slow hair growth are in the body so that the fur does not grow quickly and walked with slow, you could use a scrub made from a mixture of turmeric powder with flour chickpeas (pea arab / garbanzo beans / gram). then scrub can be used within two times for 1 month.

6.) Overcoming Dandruff and Hair Loss
Turmeric also has properties that can nourish the scalp can prevent hair loss on parts of the hair and also exfoliate the skin on the head. If you have an itchy scalp and also dandruff or experienced the loss can use grated turmeric then applied to the scalp.

7.) Smooth leather heels and elbows
Turmeric can be used to soften the skin located at the heel and elbow. You can make a mixture of turmeric powder with coconut oil, then the mixture is applied to the heel and elbow are rough-skinned, then you can add a light massage on the area that has been applied earlier to be a solution of turmeric and coconut oil also becomes pervasive. Let stand for about 10 minutes and rinse with clean water.

8.) Lifting the dead skin cells
Efficacy of turmeric for beauty can then be utilized to remove dead skin cells. This is because the content contained in turmeric can release the dead skin cells gently without making the skin become irritated. You can use a body scrub made from powdered turmeric and chickpea flour (arabic bean / pea / garbanzo / gram). Scrub has been created it can make your skin brighter and radiant.

9.) For Natural Hair Dyes
You can use turmeric to get the color with dark blond hair. By using turmeric hair color can make dark blonde natural color is because of turmeric that has a sharp yellow color. You can use a quarter cup of turmeric that has been shredded and then poured it with warm water and then squeezed so that you can produce a concentrated solution of turmeric. Then a solution of turmeric was inserted into the spray bottle, you could then spray evenly on the hair section. After the kneaded slowly and let the hair become dry. If it is dry then you can rinse until clean. Repeat this process every two days in order to get the color dark blond Existing wanted.
Efficacy of Turmeric for Beauty Face and Skin

In addition to the efficacy of turmeric for skin care face above, there are many other benefits of turmeric, such as is used for the treatment, prevention of disease and many other useful properties of turmeric plant. Of course, despite the use of traditional medicines or herbs you should maintain a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle more. Because it would be useless if it was doing a treatment on a disease or other disorders of the body, but you continue to ignore a healthy lifestyle.

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