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Benefits of Onions for Health

 Naturally as a People of Southeast Asia you are already familiar with one of the main food seasonings this. Shallots with the Latin name (Allium cepa L) is one of the main spices used by many people in the area of ​​Southeast Asia.  Shallots usually used as a spice in cooking, which is part of the bulb is used as fried onions or leaf flavoring Also on the plate. Javanese people usually call red onions with leeks name. Has a pungent smell but it has many health benefits.

 The content of nutrients that are in the onion can prevent and cure some diseases and other health problems. In onion there are some nutrient content of which has Anti onion-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Besides, the onion has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. The content of calories contained in the onions too low. Thus the number of the nutritional content of onion, one of the main types of bulbs is good for consumption.
Perhaps you have also seen a grandparent you consume onion, usually they consume it in a straightforward manner be eaten raw or sliced ​​first and then eaten. As with garlic, onion also has many health benefits that you may not know.

 You can read and learn more complete description below will explain the benefits of red onion:

1.) Lower Blood Sugar
There are several nutrients that are contained in the onions, such as antivirus, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Besides onion also contains anti-oxidants, minerals and some vitamins. Efficacy onion also one of them is able to lower blood sugar levels that exist in diabetic patients.

2.) Reduce Cholesterol
In onion also contains Allicin which has benefited as the lowering of cholesterol present in the body. High blood pressure can be helped derived using this onion, otherwise it may be for those who are on a diet menu can consume an onion is because onion contains very little calories.

3.) Cure Constipation
In the digestion may be poison or food with hard particles trapped within, shallots can overcome things like this. You can consume onion, if you feel the pain of constipation.
4.) Protect the Heart
In addition to the benefits of onion to control the body's cholesterol, by eating onions you can protect your heart from heart disease risk. Besides iut also can open a blocked artery in the body.

 5.) Prevent Cancer
Red onion also contain vitamin one vitamin A, which has the benefit as preventing the development of cancers of the oral cavity. Besides onion can also prevent the occurrence of liver cancer and destroy cancer cells that exist. Besides, red onions can also help in overcoming the possibility of stomach cancer.

6.) Overcoming Insect Stings
Insect stings usually cause pain or itching, turns red onion can also cope with such things like mosquito bites, stings of wasps, bees and other insects besides it can relieve the pain of the sting

7.) Maintain Immune System
By using honey with the juice of onion about one teaspoon is then consumed regularly, can cope with various diseases runny nose, sore throat, influenza, colds and even bronchitis. Besides it can also dilute phlegm in your throat.

8.) Healthy Hair
In addition to the body, red onion can also be beneficial for the health of hair and resolve problems on your head are like dandruff. It can be used JSU onion is used every day on a regular basis within a specified time so that your hair can grow healthy and also able to cope with dandruff on to you.

9.) Slow senile
Efficacy other Red Onion obtained from onion that can assist in effecting the performance of the brain and beneficial for Alzheimer narrator, on the other hand if the percentage of the risk of osteoporosis in a person can be reduced by approximately 20% by using an onion, but it can make your skin more beautiful.

10.) Treat Acne
Some of the properties owned by the onion is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial efficacious in overcoming your acne. By using a red onion you can stop the onset of inflammation in parts of your acne, but it can kill the bacteria that cause acne and can cure acne scars on your skin.

Above are just a few of the benefits of onion are good for the health of your body, there are many other benefits of this onion because of the content of various nutrients contained therein assortment. Besides beneficial in addressing and preventing various diseases, red onion can also skin beauty care of your body so you still have a fit body.

Benefits and Efficacy Shallots

Despite the many benefits of red onion for health, of course you should not forget the other factors to support your body's health. Many of the factors that make people stay in good health other than food, such as exercise regularly, and also with regular breaks for the body to remain in a state fit in carrying out various activities. That All about Benefit of Onions for aour health, What about Yoga?