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How to Prevent Stroke in Women

 Although many men who have habits that can lead to stroke such as smoking, and rarely exercise, but the woman appeared to have a lot more cases, up to two times more risky.

In women, there are several risks that could be a trigger for stroke, such as pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and the use of birth control pills. And a recent study also explains that depression is one factor that can increase the risk of emergence of stroke in women up to 70% when compared with men who are also depressed.

Below are 8 ways to prevent stroke in women who reported from the site prevention, as follows:

1.) Familiarize Walk Around 20 Minutes a Day
Nowadays many people are starting to leave the habit of running and choose to use their vehicles every day to move. However, from now on take the time to walk with a routine every day about 20 minutes. If the total for the week reached 2 hours, it is believed to reduce the risk of stroke up to 30%, it is learned to 40,000 woman has been done during the 12 years of the study period. Even walking with a fast tempo can also reduce the risk of stroke by 40%.

2.) Recognize Symptoms of Stress
In a study conducted on 80,000 women, depression or stress can increase the risk of stroke up to 29%. Since it is usually women who experience depression will have the habits unhealthy example only overeating, lack of exercise and even smoke.

Other than that, the depression can also be a trigger of some health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and also increase the risk of stroke. Therefore, you should recognize the early symptoms of stroke in order to get the right treatment.

3.) During Sleep 7-8 Hours a Day
Have a habit of sleeping too late at night and then get up early for work so sleep becomes less than 7 hours may increase the risk of stroke by 63%. Research shows that a person will have 2 times more triggers metabolic sindorm, which is a condition where the body can remind the risk of stroke, diabetes and heart disease when sleep less than 7 hours per day.

4.) Cooking Using Olive Oil
Benefits of olive oil has long been known, one of them can lower the risk of heart attack and there are also studies that show that olive oil may protect against stroke. A study conducted in France in 7600 adults with age over 65 years, showed that people who have the habit of using olive oil regularly can reduce the risk of stroke by 40%.

You can use olive oil for food processing, such as for frying, grilling and sautéing dishes. In addition you can also pour a few drops on your salad dish so that olive oil can be helpful in maintaining the health of your body.

5.) Relieves Migraine With Natural Way
Usually migraine often occurs in women, perhaps this is becoming one of the main factors why the risk of stroke is higher in women compared to men. This is due to the fluctuations in hormones and also the consumption of drugs used to relieve headaches can increase the risk of stroke. Therefore, you should use more natural ways to relieve migraine you are experiencing with healthy eating and stress management.

6.) Start NOTE Your heartbeat
In the state that is less normal heartbeat is usually accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath can be a sign of fibrasi atrium (AF), which can increase the risk of stroke up to five-fold. If, in the state of your heart rate is not normal then immediately to consult a doctor so that the risk can be immediately lowered.

7.) Consumption of Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potato, banana, and raisins have lots of potassium and also get used to consume foods rich in these nutrients may reduce the risk of stroke by 20%

8.) Managing Emotions Condition
Research conducted in the Journal of Hypertension showed that people who have the attitude of quick-tempered and overly aggressive can have a higher risk of having a stroke. Research shows that people who have a high value on bioantagonistic when standard personality tests have a risk of thickening of the arteries in the neck that is greater than the person who has a personality that is more patient. And thickening of the arteries in the neck is one of the main factors that can trigger a stroke. Therefore, you should really be able to manage emotions well.

Above is How To Prevent Stroke in Women. From now on you should start keeping your lifestyle to become healthier, in addition to maintaining physical health, you should also be able to maintain the mental health of your mind. Because it is still a very close relationship in supporting physical and mental health.

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