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11 Potent Foods Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol when in a balanced condition is not a problem, but when a person has high cholesterol in the blood, the risk of various diseases such as heart disease may increase. Therefore, preventive measures and begin to get accustomed to a healthy lifestyle should be before it is too late.

High cholesterol is a problem that is caused by an unhealthy diet, as many foods that have fat and sugar. Therefore maintaining a healthy diet is a must if you want to avoid this cholesterol problem.

Some foods should be limited consumption by people who do not want to have problems with cholesterol, such as various processed products eg, biscuits, cakes and other foods that have high fat. In addition to limiting high-fat foods, you need to implement a healthy lifestyle by eating more foods that have a high nutrient.

 Below are some good foods to maintain the balance of cholesterol and good for heart health are summarized from various sources. See full description below!

1.) Oatmeal
The content of soluble fiber found in oatmeal can help lower LDL in the blood. (LDL is the bad cholesterol). While in the body, soluble fiber from oatmeal will work with the bile acid and the acid in the digestive system will remove it. Now, instead of eating chicken porridge for breakfast in the morning, you can replace it with oatmeal porridge menu is equally delicious taste with chicken porridge.

2.) Apples
You can consume apples as one of the healthy foods that can be made snack. Apples consumed, can meet your daily fiber needs. The content of pectin in apples is a soluble fiber and can help in lowering cholesterol levels. Apples can be eaten with the skin because the skin on the apples and meat are substances polyphenols, the antioxidant substances that help protect cells in the body of the change and also free radicals that can cause heart disease.

3.) Salmon
Mackerel, salmon and sardines are some healthy foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and have benefit to raise good cholesterol in the body, and keeping cholesterol levels in the body to stay healthy. By eating fish that contain healthy oils such as omega-3, 2 to 3 times a week can help in lowering cholesterol. Type of fatty acid that could reduce consumption of fats that are not good for health, such as triglycerides and risk of irregular heartbeat may be reduced by consuming these healthy fatty acids.

4.) Nuts
Nuts have a variety of types, such as beans, lentils, peas, and beans. In this type of nuts are available in soluble fiber. In addition, nuts contain healthy protein, low fat and also many other nutrients

beneficial for health. You can consume these nuts to mix it into soups or can be steamed. By eating nuts desire to eat can be controlled because these foods will make you feel full longer. If so, then your weight can also be lowered.

 5.) Almond
Almonds or almonds are foods that are low in cholesterol and is good for heart health. The content of phytosterol and unsaturated fat content is also high on almonds beneficial as lowering bad cholesterol and also can be heart healthy. During the almonds are coated with salt or sugar almonds good for consumption. However, because the calories in almonds is high enough, you should limit your consumption of almonds every day.

6.) Eggplant
The stability of cholesterol in the blood can also be maintained by consuming eggplant. Besides eggplant healthy taste good and can be made into a variety of cuisines. The content of nutrients contained in eggplant include soluble fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and other essential minerals that are beneficial to the body. You can cultivate eggplant by steaming, baking or it could be as an ingredient in making stir-fries or pasta.

7.) Wheat
Breakfast in the morning you can consume wheat, by replacing wheat breakfast into cholesterol in the body is well preserved. Within 6 weeks of cholesterol can be lowered about 5.3% by consuming two servings of grains. The content of beta-glucan in oats can absorb the bad cholesterol in the body.

8.) Tea
The content of anti-oxidants and caffeine were less than the coffee making tea (read: the benefits of green tea) were able to keep the cholesterol in the body stay balanced. It is known that in a cup of coffee with 8 ounces of coffee contains 135 mg of caffeine, but the tea contained only 30mg-40mg each cup.

9.) Chocolate
Cholesterol levels can be reduced also by consuming dark chocolate. A study conducted in Spain, published in 2010 in the Journal of Hepatology, "The anti-oxidants contained in dark chocolate can reduce damage that occurs in the blood vessels which can then threaten the health condition of a person with cirrhosis. Dark chocolate can help in preventing the blood vessels of the liver rupture ". According to medical experts said that by chewing as much 100grm chocolate every day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular events of about 21%.

10.) Spinach
Spinach is a food synonymous with Popeye, because it is believed to add strength. It turned out that spinach contained at least 13 flavonoid compounds that can keep a person from various diseases such as cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis.

11.) Olive Oil
Olive oil (read: the benefits of olive oil) has been known since time has many benefits for the health of the body. The content of monounsaturated fatty acids contained in olive oil can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, without lowering the good cholesterol that exist in the body.

Above is a food Potent Ability to Lower Cholesterol, with the absence of information some healthy foods above can hopefully provide new knowledge that is essential for the body to get the intake of various foods that are healthy for the body is able to withstand the various diseases and keep fit so that it can perform a variety of daily activities You.

Even so, the fact that most people still think this is a cholesterol problem, but cholesterol may have an effect on other health problems such as cardiovascular disease that could trigger a stroke and heart attack. American Heart Association also states that "A person can reduce cholesterol in the blood by eating a healthy diet". Therefore, it is emphasized again that eating healthy food is very important to ensure the continuity of the functions of various organs in the body.