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How Underarm Hair Removal Permanently

For some people maybe underarm hair is not a problem, but some others consider armpits as a problem that quite disturbing confidence, especially women. However, there are also some men who do not love their underarm hair is.

Underarm hair is one of the main characteristics of someone growing up, usually during puberty, underarm hair starts to grow and the more day become more dense. And in some people, underarm hair is quite disturbing and therefore eliminate underarm hair becomes a choice.

Underarm hair itself is the hair that grows in the armpit area and has its own function. Some functions of this underarm hair such as body armor, a hallmark of maturity even armpit hair can reliably prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Even so, for those who still want to eliminate the armpit, below will be below how natural and effective way to remove underarm hair in natural way and also modern. Please scrutiny by either:

1. How Underarm Hair Removal Using Natural Ways
The natural way using traditional materials is one of the main ways that demand for natural ingredients are easily available and also can be made easily, and even some natural ingredients have been used since a long time by experts to remove underarm hair without having to use shaving.

Below is the natural way that is believed to eliminate underarm hair is accompanied by processing the material:

1.) Using Turmeric

Turmeric has long been believed to be used in the treatment and care of the body. Even the Indians have long used turmeric as a natural ingredient used to make the skin healthy and bright. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in turmeric can nourish the skin. In addition, hair growth can also be prevented by turmeric, therefore the natural way this could be an alternative to remove underarm hair you have:

Material :
1-2 tsp turmeric that has been cleaned and washed the skin clean.
Enough water to be used as an ingredient for pasta.

How Processing and Use:
a. First saffron puree first, then soaked in water and mixed to form a paste.
b. Then apply turmeric paste it on your armpits and slowly rubbed in the direction opposite to the direction of growth of underarm hair.
c. Let it sink in about 1/4 hour to dry.
d. Last wash the dried turmeric paste with warm water.
The use of turmeric can be used to remove underarm hair is not dense enough. If the underarm hair you have already dense could use more natural way.

2.) Using Papaya
 Papaya contains enough nutrients, among the benefits of papaya is very well known that it can launch the digestive system of the human body. However, it can also be used as a natural ingredient for abolishing the hair in the armpit.

Papaya contains papain which serves as a deterrent hair growth and also break the hair follicles.

Material :
1 papaya fruit is immature
1/4 tsp plain flour
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp mustard oil
2 drops of essential oil or lavender
4 tbsp aloe vera gel

How Processing and Use:
a. Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized container, then stir until well blended and thickened enough.
b. Then apply the material that has been mixed earlier with underarm hair growth direction is from the bottom up.
c. Let stand for about 1/4 hour
d. Then use a clean cloth to clean the pasta sticking to the armpit earlier by rubbed with the opposite direction of the growth of underarm hair.
e. When it is clean, the next axillary washed with cold water and then let it dry.
f. Take baby oil or olive oil and use it to massage the skin armpits.
g. To get good results, this treatment can be done three times a week and still routinely perform this treatment at least 3 months.

In addition to the benefits to remove underarm hair, papaya is also able to whiten the skin of the armpit area blackened and make it smoother.

3.) Using Lime Betel
 Whiting is usually used as a mixture of ancient people to eat or chewing betel

Material :
1 tbsp Whiting
2 tablespoons water

How Processing and Use:
a. Use 1 tablespoon whiting and mix with 2 tablespoons of mineral water and stir until evenly distributed.

b. Clean the armpit beforehand to clean with soap and then dry with a towel.
c. Mixed solution was then applied to the underarm area so evenly
d. Let stand about half an hour.
e. After settling, the next axillary cleaned using warm towels and soap to thoroughly clean and dry.

This treatment can be done up to three times a week to about one month. If the hair growth has begun to slow down then the treatment can be done with rarely a week or two weeks.

2. How Underarm Hair Removal In Modern
Although many natural ingredients that can be used to help remove underarm hair, but the modern way of course faster. One way of using the modern tools armpit hair shaver. Of course the modern way will be faster and more suitable for you who have a budget sufficient to carry out the treatment. Below is a modern way that can be used to remove underarm hair:

1.) Using the Razors
 Underarm shaving is one of the main modern way today. Shaving activities are increasingly facilitated through equipment sophisticated enough to shave. Below is how to shave her armpits.

a. First you should note the underarm area, avoid shaving process if there are cuts in the armpit.
b. Use a cream that is specifically used to help shave the hair or if no, you can use regular soap.
c. Moisten armpit until evenly distributed.
d. In order to facilitate the time of shearing, underarm hair should be held towards the middle.
e. Then do the shaving process by using a hair razor sharp from the start at the bottom to the top of underarm hair. Repeat steps up to the armpit hair shaving was really clean.
f. In case of irritation due to shaving process, first dry your skin and apply baby powder evenly.

2.) Using Laser
 Laser is one of the main effective way to remove underarm hair. However, with the famous laser cost is still quite expensive. Although the cost is quite expensive but the results of this laser will make underarm hair is permanently lost, and this is because the laser will turn off the function of the cells of the hair growth.

If you are really interested in this laser, you can search for information by consulting directly with doctors or experts.

3.) Using Removal Cream
 In addition to the laser, there are also creams that can make underarm hair does not grow again. If you usually after being shaved armpit hair will grow again, unlike the case when using the cream thresher.

Although this type of cream is very powerful, but the market price is quite expensive creams. However you have to be careful because of the use of certain drugs usually cause side effects such as irritation and possibly other issues