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How to Eliminate Ticks in Natural and Fast Hair

Ticks are animals that belong to the species of insects. These animals usually grayish the size of a sesame seed or smaller. They live by consuming the blood, that is why this flea really liked staying on the sidelines of the hair, whether it's clean or dirty hair. Ticks itself comes from hatching the female mite. The eggs of the female mite that inhabits this hair is usually white or gray finish.

Most people think that lice can not move from one head to another. When in fact, ticks can carry out transmission through direct contact hair. Ticks were able to make the leap and fly from one head to another. In addition, fleas can also spread through hair tools, such as a comb and a vise. Even unconsciously, we also can be infected if using the same pillow with others. Moreover lice can not survive without the skin for more than three days, so they will try to find a new place as soon as possible.

 Seeing so much the effects of ticks, ranging from itching, inflammation to skin problems, you require special handling in order lice on your head hair can disappear. Sometimes treatment may be easy, but if the number of lice eggs amounted to pretty much, you need time and perseverance long, probably about one to two weeks until the lice and eggs on the scalp can be completely lost.

1.) Lemon juice
Lemons contain acidic properties that can kill the nits (lice eggs) and ticks. You can apply fresh lemon juice directly to all areas of the head. Let stand for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also combine this method in conjunction with using vinegar. Perform these tips to use lemon juice to the time period once a week.

2.) Coconut oil
How to remove more hair lice that you can try is to use coconut oil. One kitchen ingredient is believed to make the tick weak and eventually die. For her own use, you can mix 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with a little camphor. Continue by applying the mixture to all parts of your head while a massage. Do this at night and let stand until the next morning. Rinse the hair using shampoo to clean.

3.) Juice Lemon and Garlic
Another effective way that you can do is mix 4 large-sized garlic cloves with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, continue to stir until the pasta. Apply these herbal ingredients to all parts of the skin and hair while a massage head light. Wrap hair using a thick towel and let stand for 1 hour. You can then use a hair rinse water, then shampoo and rinse again. Do this for 5 consecutive days until the infestation completely disappeared.

4.) Comb
There are many ways to eliminate head lice and most traditional way between this list is using a comb. Usually this is done by mothers to their children. by combing hair downward, eventually the fleas will fall by itself. You may need a comb with a high density.
5.) Vinegar
Vinegar is a natural and safe treatment, even an easy and effective way to eliminate head lice. Asestat high acid content in vinegar were able to kill head lice with a very, very effective and fast. In addition, vinegar can also dissolve the eggs will hatch into lice.

6.) Choose the best shampoo
Shampoo is one determinant of whether the ticks will go or will only multiply. There are several types of shampoo that can completely eliminate the infestation. So, you need to do is try different types of shampoo that really fit in with the scalp and hair.

How it is so easy, you can mix a little vinegar with mineral oil. Next apply the vinegar mixture to all parts of the scalp and hair. You could use a shower cap to cover the hair from the outside air. Let stand for about 2 hours, then wash hair with shampoo and clean water afterwards.

Another way that you can do is to mix vinegar with water. After that, apply the mixture to the hair and scalp that have previously been washed using shampoo. Let stand for 10 minutes, then wash your hair back using clean water.

You can use several ways to eliminate head lice above and select the most convenient and suitable for your hair and scalp. Do not forget to always persevere when eradicate lice and nits in the hair. Because if the treatment or eradication of fleas is not routinely done, the lice are usually not completely lost. Therefore, how to remove lice and their eggs have to do with routine and patiently until completely clean