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Stomach Acid Disease Symptoms

One of the main diseases of the digestive tract is increased stomach acid reflux or GERD is called, so that stomach acid is high. Therefore it is recommended to keep the stomach acids in a balanced state. When a person gets sick stomach acid then the person will have characteristics or caused symptoms such as feelings of great tenderness in the stomach that one of the main causes of which nausea and vomiting are also dry.

Food consumed daily into the stomach through a narrow channel which is better known as the esophagus. In the body, the stomach, has a wall called the stomach wall to produce a fluid called the gastric acid. Stomach acid can be up or down because it could be influenced by the levels of fat in the food you eat protein. The higher the fat content causes the pH more acidic. In the stomach, the maximum acidity of gastric acid tolerance is the pH level of 1.5 to 3.5 (acid) consisting of hydrochloric acid HCl, potassium chloride KCl and NaCl, sodium chloride, if it is lower it will cause stomach acid can not afford to produce enzymes that will digest protein.
Stomach acid on the body works to kill bacteria diseases brought in by the food consumed. Then the task is to stabilize the gastric acid sugars derived from previous decomposition and can help stimulate the production of protein-digesting enzymes. Because of these functions, which requires all the food that enters the body must come in contact with stomach acid.

What are the Symptoms of GERD Stomach Acid?
If someone has an infection of the stomach organs, causing stomach acid, the following symptoms that often arises when a person affected by the disease of stomach acid.

1. Abdominal pain like fire. This burning feeling is not only up to the abdomen in general, people can feel this burning on the chest as well.

2. Stomach feels bloating, nausea and even vomiting. These symptoms are caused because patients feel pain in the stomach resulting in feelings of nausea and even vomiting.

3. Frequent belching is also one of the main characteristics of the increasing stomach acid.

4. The mouth feel bitter, if the levels of gastric acid in normal circumstances it can cause a bitter taste in the mouth, this occurs because acidic substances spread on the back of the throat that cause a bitter taste in the mouth and even some are choked.

5. Patients have difficulty swallowing food.

6. Increasing the number of saliva production, which is one of the main symptoms of acid reflux that occurs because the body is washed  that comes from deep within.
How to Maintain Health
What Causes Stomach Acid Someone Affected by Disease (GERD)?
Basically gastric acid disease is a disease caused by increased production of gastric acid in the human digestive tract, particularly the stomach. So what causes a person can contract the stomach acid? Here's the description from us.

Disease Causes Stomach Acid
1. Intake of food consumed is less good.
2. A diet that is less regular.
3. Stress can also trigger stomach acid disease recurrence.

Most people prefer taking the drugs classified as drugs antisida (inhibit gastric acid secretion) when stomach acid rises. The drug was actually just a drug that works to relieve heartburn or stomach acid for a while. At times this disease can recur even worse.

How to Prevent Stomach Acid Disease (GERD)?

Here are tips to prevent painful stomach acids so as not relapse.

1. Implement a regular diet. Regular diet is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle because by applying regular diet then digestion will work fine and the maximum.

2. Familiarize mouth for chewing food 32 times so that the food is completely tender when it goes into the stomach, it is very important if the stomach is not accustomed to foods that have a hard texture then attempted to chew the food to make it more tender.

3. Avoid foods that can trigger heartburn. Prevention is better than cure and therefore consume any foods must be careful because there are some foods that are not recommended if this increased gastric acid, hence keeping the intake of foods that have a balanced nutrition is highly recommended but should still be able to pick and choose.

4. Consuming soy milk is good for the stomach. Milk is also a good food to neutralize stomach acid is high because of the high calcium content that is useful as an antacid.

5. Avoid stress. Stress becomes one of the main triggers acid reflux therefore stress must be avoided because after stress is not only troubling, but also other body functions.

6. Avoid smoking. Smoking is not only harmful to the lungs but can also damage other organs one of the stomach, and therefore to avoid the disease became more severe organ avoid smoking.

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