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Health Benefits of Carrots for skin and eyes

 Of course you are not familiar with this one of the main vegetable. Carrots are one of the main vegetables that are usually used as a wide variety of food from start to serve as a soup, made juice is even used in a variety of cuisines.

Carrots are one of the main plants that contain a lot of carbohydrates in significant amounts. Carrots have a sweet taste unpleasant and usually part of the carrots were often exploited and consumed that is at the root or the roots. Besides the benefits are good for the eyes, carrot also has other health benefits, including for healthy hair and skin of your body.

Carrots have various substances in it, including calories, fat, carbohydrate, phosphorus, calcium, beta carotene, iron, vitamin B1 and vitamin C. The content is what makes carrots became one vegetable that has many benefits.

Benefits of Carrots
Usually carrots most commonly processed into carrot juice is healthy, because it contains a range of vitamins and minerals present in carrots is good for your health, especially if processed in a manner well as made into juice, then the vitamins and minerals present in carrots is not damaged and remains intact so that the benefits of carrot juice to be more optimal.

When compared with other types of vegetables carrots also not lose has many benefits and benefits for health, at least by eating carrots on a regular basis then the benefits can be felt by the body.

 Efficacy Carrot for Health

Below are some of the benefits and efficacy of carrots for the health of your body, which we summarized from various sources:

1.) Good for Eyes
The content of vitamin A and beta-carotene compounds that are in carrots and lutein also has benefits both to improve your eye sight. Besides the benefits of these compounds were able to prevent the occurrence of glaucoma, night blindness so as to protect your eyes.

2.) Strengthening the Immune System
The amount of nutrients contained in carrots such as anti-oxidants and vitamin C has a good efficacy for the person's immune system so the body is able to protect from illnesses that attack.

3.) Healthy Digestion
The benefits of carrots next body is healthy digestion. The production of digestive fluids can be stimulated by using the carrot by consuming carrot juice 20 minutes before you eat. Besides the soluble fiber in carrots also has benefits to improve your digestive health.

4.) Make a Radiant Skin
With the vitamin A and anti-oxidants in carrots make the skin radiant, because by eating carrots / carrot juice is able to remove the toxins that are in the body so that your body's health is maintained.

5.) Prevent Acne
The content of vitamin A in carrots can be useful to maintain a normal pH in your skin. Carrots can also prevent acne because carrots have anti-oxidant than that carrots can also help in curing acne that is already emerging.

6.) Overcoming Hair Loss
With the content of batekroten and also vitamin A in carrots is able to make a more healthy hair growth. Besides the content of the content of essential vitamins contained in carrots can also increase blood circulation that occurs in areas of the scalp so that it can reduce the problem to your hair.

7.) Prevent Premature Aging
In addition to the antioxidant content contained in carrots, also contain other nutrients that are beneficial for preventing of aging on the skin. By regularly eating carrots will make fine lines and wrinkles that exist on the skin can be masked. In addition to regularly eating carrots can also increase the production of collagen in the skin so that your skin remains taut.

8.) Maintain a Healthy Heart
The content of vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, beta carotene and other nutrients believed to provide protection against some diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and may also lower blood pressure.

9.) Lowers Cholesterol
According to a study conducted at Harvard University found someone that eating carrots can lower the risk of high cholesterol. high fiber content and low calories and low in fat may help in lowering cholesterol has trait can inhibit fat and cholesterol levels in the blood.

10.) Adverse Effect Against Free Radicals
Carrots are one of the main types of these vegetables contain anti-oxidants to fight free radicals that may damage the body from the inside. By eating a carrot, the risk of the body exposed to free radicals, can be minimized.

11.) Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Research conducted at Harvard University says that by consuming foods that contain beta-carotene which is enough each day, can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Risk can be reduced by about 17%, by consuming foods such as carrots that it is rich in anti-oxidants.

Benefits of Carrots above is a small part of the benefits of carrots that may not yet widely known by many people. By regularly eating carrots can maintain your health and can also prevent other diseases that can attack your body.

 Efficacy Carrots

You can consume carrot in various ways such as by the process into carrot juice, eaten raw or even you can remove the skin first and then you can consume. It never hurts to add the carrots in your healthy daily menu, because carrots have nutrients that are not less good with a variety of vegetables and other fruits.

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