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How to Cope with Hair Branching And Dry

Branched hair is one of the less good hair health conditions that may happen to anyone. The reason of course a lot, for example due to an error in using hair care products or a lack of awareness for the regular wash. In fact, the use of a comb that one can also make your hair be branched and less pleasant to look at.

Other causes that might make your hair damaged and branching are due to inadequate intake of nutrients to the hair. Consumption of food or drink is very influential on the state of your hair. Therefore, look for foods that do contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals either. You can get it at a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables and nuts.
What exactly is the cause split ends? Actually there are many reasons why hair can be branched, for example because of the shape or the wrong hair style, beauty tools use excessive and habits and poor lifestyle. Therefore, to see so many causes of this split ends, it would be good for you to do prevention routine. But if already, you can apply some of the ways to overcome branched hair dry and fall as described in the points below.

1.) Cut regularly
To get rid of split ends without interruption necessarily less recommended since branched hair is usually present at the edges. Therefore, to remove hair that branch, you have to cut the hair regularly. Many beauty experts who recommend a haircut of about six to eight weeks. Cut at least 1 inch or about 0.6 to 2.5 cm. In this way, split or branched hair can be avoided and the new hair will grow healthy and strong.

2.) Avoid chemicals
There are many products that are specially made to beautify the hair, including shampoo, conditioner, dye and so forth. Most of these products contain chemicals as one of its composition and indeed useful well researched. However, there will be other damaging effects that arise, such as the hair becomes dry, easy to fall, breakage and split ends. Therefore, you try to look for hair beauty products are natural, or at least not too many contain chemicals.

3.) Use water really clean
When you want to wash your hair, try to find out whether it is safe or it has been mixed with chemicals. You can also use a filter to filter the water when washing hair. The function of these filters is to reduce the amount of chlorine in the water can damage the hair and make it forked. Also, avoid high concentrations of calcium carbonate, because it can make the water is hard.

4.) Massaging with oil
Oil is able to restore moisture hair, so the hair can grow healthy and free from dry and branching. You can choose the type of oil that may match or in the kitchen, such as olive oil, almond and coconut. You can also combine the three to get maximum results. Use massage with this oil before going to bed, then let stand overnight. In the morning you can rinse until clean. But if you do not have much time, use it for an hour and ends with a massage using shampoo is more than enough.

5.) Mask egg
How to cope with further branched hair is to use eggs. You can mix the egg yolks with 3 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Use these herbal preparations to massage your hair and scalp. Allow the mask to be dry for half an hour while using a shower cap. Follow by washing using little shampoo.

6.)Papaya mask
In addition to using an egg mask, you also can overcome the split ends with a mask of papaya fruit. You can smooth the two slices of papaya in a blender. After that, add 2 tablespoons of yogurt to improve efficacy. Spread mixture into all parts of the hair and scalp. Close using the shower cup, then let stand 30 minutes. Continue with shampoo and rinse using clean water. Papaya is also believed to make the hair more shine, moisture and grow healthy.

7.) Mask Yoghurt
Yogurt can also be used as an ingredient to treat your hair. Because hair hydrated and nutritional deficiencies would be at risk of damage occurs even hair loss. How to use is also very easy that is by using a mixture of mashed papaya fruit which has been around 250gram mixed with about half a cup of yogurt, then you can use it as a mask for the hair. Use a towel or a tool that can be used to wrap your hair and let sit for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with water until clean.

8.) Honey Mask
Honey mask can be used to treat split ends, the way is also very easy that is by using two tablespoons of honey, then two tablespoons of yogurt and one small lemon fruit. Then mix the honey and yoghurt and a squeeze of lemon on top. Mix until it resembles pasta then use on the scalp and hair. When the masks have been made too thick, add a little water can then let stand for 1/4 hour and rinse with water until clean.

9.) Mask Avocado
How to cope with further branched hair is by using avocado, with a mixture of half a teaspoon of olive oil. Then wet the hair part slightly and use a mixture of these materials to cover the right section of hair is branched and let stand for about half an hour and rinse with water to clean the hair.

10.) Folic Acid and Biotin
Keep hair healthy and awake should increase intake of foods that contain folic acid and biotin. Folic acid has benefits in increasing the number of red blood cells so that hair can grow to be more healthy. These substances can be found in various foods such as green vegetables, wheat or citrus. While biotin can help strengthens each strand of hair and can be found easily, such as sunflower seeds, beans and brown rice.

Hair is a crown, both for women and men. Therefore, it is appropriate that some of the ways to overcome branched hair on top of your practice in everyday life. However, all of the above it will not work if you have not first change the pattern of life for the better.

You are advised not to frequent in performing smoothing or rebounding because too often slowly hair would be problematic, such as branching and even hair look dull. Therefore, with some use of natural materials branched hair above are expected to be overcome. However, if you split ends problem is very severe you should consult with a physician to get a proper hair care solutions.

In addition, do not forget to meet your daily nutritional needs. Foods such as salmon, nuts, vegetables and fruits are some healthy foods that you can consume to improve the nutritional needs of hair and even whole organs of your body. Avoid fast foods because it is less good for the health of various organs of your body.