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Characteristics of Early Symptoms of Asthma Sick People Affected

  Asthma is a disease that interfere with the human respiratory tract and lungs, or can be referred to by shortness of breath. Asthma is classified as a chronic disease when constantly in the long term so that the person or people to have difficulty breathing. When people have an asthma attack, it is a sign that there has been a swelling of the airways that causes the walls on the inside of the respiratory tract to swell.

With the swelling causes the airways smaller size so that the patient Asthma experienced difficulties in breathing. Usually when a person develops asthma will appear other symptoms that accompany such as coughs, wheezes typical asthma wheezing (wheezing) as well as certain is that patients experience shortness of breath.

Asthma is classified as a curable disease and can still be controlled. The control can be done optimally if the patient immediately know has asthma attack so that treatment can be done immediately. Surely immediately consult a doctor if we experience strange symptoms in the body. Asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors including the local environment and heredity.

Symptoms of Asthma
Some of the symptoms that appear when the asthma attack include:

1.) Hard Breathing
Symptoms of asthma attack next is found difficult when breathing, if someone in carrying out activities or suddenly felt difficulty breathing may indicate that someone is suffering from asthma, immediately consult a doctor to make sure.

2.) Wheezing
If no sound when breathing it is called by wheezing. Initial characteristics that usually appear in patients with asthma are wheezing. If these symptoms appear immediately contact a doctor.

3.) Pain in the chest
Pain in the chest area could constitute one of the main symptoms of asthma, usually a feeling of pressure and feeling of heaviness in the chest, if this happens immediately consult your doctor.

4.) Easy Tired
Fatigue condition is actually a common condition where a person's particular disease including asthma, if the reduced oxygen levels in the body could have been possibly due to respiratory failure.

5.) throat irritation
Most cases that if a person experiences throat irritation is a hallmark of asthma symptoms, irritation of the throat is caused due to respiratory tract clogged mucus.

6.) The disappearance of Sound
Asthma symptoms in more severe stage is loss of voice, is caused by coughing continuously so that within a certain period of asthmatics could lose his voice. And if the talks in a normal voice will sound hoarse that person.

 7.) Aunt and nails turn blue
On stage are dangerous if someone with asthma is to be blue nails,if this symptoms should immediately seek help doctors to be addressed further.

8.) Feeling often panic and anxiety
If someone often feel panic and anxiety on minor issues, this is also one of the main characteristic of asthma. Of course, these symptoms can be avoided by keep calm yourself and consult with a doctor.

9.) Cough continuously
Symptoms of asthma are coughing subsequently continuously resulting in being short of breath, even though many people do not know but these symptoms should be aware because it could constitute one of the main characteristics of someone with asthma.

Knowing the symptoms of asthma appear is one of the main ways to avoid delays in first aid. If you know the traits or symptoms that appear then someone who terkana asthma can be remedied quickly and precisely.

At the time of asthma attack sufferers usually have prepared a form of asthma medication inhaler. However, there are instances when the more severe the asthma attack can not be alleviated with the inhaler. Asthma attacks in this severe phase known as asthmaticus which can cause a person to experience respiratory failure leading to death.

Dangerous Phase Asthma Symptoms
But there are several ways of prevention can be done prior to an asthma attack that is by recognizing this dangerous asthma symptoms that arise, below is a symptoms of asthma by WebMD in a phase of severe and could be asthmaticus.

1.) It is difficult to pronounce long sentences. Just say a few words and did not resume until the sentence is completed.
2.) Feelings on could not take a breath and chest was closed,
3.) lips turned blue,
4.) Patients find it difficult to breathe even while lying down,
5.) Breath in the form of short and takes place in the long term,
6.) The neck muscles and the abdominal muscles feel tight and shoulders and backs are bent,
7.) To make breathing easier required to sit and stand,
8.) Can not concentrate, groggy and confused.

Asthma symptoms reported from above may lead to status asthmaticus. In this phase, the patient or the patient should be helped and treated by medical experts. Symptoms of a severe asthma attack is a symptom that causes the airways get into the lungs are not smooth. Patients are encouraged not to ignore minor symptoms that arise, by observing the symptoms is small, asthma can be prevented before they become serious. Please also note that people with asthma should pay attention to things that can trigger a recurrence of asthma due to allergies or the environment.

There are several ways to prevent or restrictions that can be done by people with asthma is to identify asthma triggers recurrence of the disease so that they can avoid it. If the patient is a smoker quit smoking. Do not take cough medicine for asthma sufferers. Some medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen for some people with asthma can lead to more severe asthma

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